Questioning the Value of Higher Education in the General Education Classroom, Part II
At about this time last year, I argued that one strategy to use to help combat the loud and negative public attitudes toward higher education might be to employ a
At about this time last year, I argued that one strategy to use to help combat the loud and negative public attitudes toward higher education might be to employ a
Students, parents, and the public need to understand the value of higher education if colleges and universities are going to rebut the omnipresent hostility to the enterprise that we see
In recent years, many institutions of higher education have begun revising, revamping, or reimagining their general education programs. This is in part because the distribution models of the past
This article first appeared in The Teaching Professor on March 13, 2023.
To begin with a statement that will surprise absolutely no one: one of
Given enrollment pressures, devaluation of the importance of general education, and efforts to cut costs, general education courses—especially those students are expected to complete during their first year, such as
For a number of reasons, including the publication of Rescuing Socrates, participating in a wonderful seminar on general education sponsored by the Association for Undergraduate Education at Research Universities, and
Roosevelt Montás’s Rescuing Socrates: How the Great Books Changed My Life and Why They Matter for a New Generation (2021) is both a defense of the Columbia University general education
Education critics often lament the decline of general education or chastise its irrelevance to our students’ futures (Delbanco & Peede, 2020; Mintz, 2020). While liberal arts traditionalists resent that students
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