
Promoting a Culture of Assessment

Many people often view assessment as a laborious burden, something that serves no good other purpose than accreditation obligations. Building a culture of assessment can help faculty see its value

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Using Assessment Data to Improve Learning

Faculty often associate assessment with collecting data to produce reports for accreditors. This is certainly one purpose of assessment, but it’s neither the only purpose nor the most important. When

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An Outcome of Accountability

It is time for academic leaders to start bringing some balance into the age of accountability. The truth is that teaching and learning are far more dynamic than simply checking

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Responding to the Market

Market forces such as student and parent concerns about employability, students’ need for flexibility, and decreasing traditional-age enrollments in New England are causing Colby-Sawyer College to rethink its approach to

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How to Lead Assessment in Your Unit

Being in charge of assessment within one’s unit involves more than measuring student learning outcomes. It’s about leading cultural change, a process that is best undertaken in collaboration with those

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