Rob Kelly

Timeless Academic Leadership Skills

We can’t predict with certainty how changes in technology, student demographics, funding or government regulation will affect higher education institutions, but the need for certain leadership skills and traits will

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Promoting a Culture of Assessment

Many people often view assessment as a laborious burden, something that serves no good other purpose than accreditation obligations. Building a culture of assessment can help faculty see its value

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Promoting Work-Life Satisfaction

Whether it’s caring for a child or an ailing parent, participating in community activities, or pursuing a hobby, faculty members have and deserve lives beyond work. Formal policies, which vary

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Leading throughout the Organizational Life Cycle

According to organizational life cycle theory, institutions and units within institutions progress through a sequence of stages—inception, growth, maturity, and decline or revitalization. Understanding the challenges specific to each stage

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Using Assessment Data to Improve Learning

Faculty often associate assessment with collecting data to produce reports for accreditors. This is certainly one purpose of assessment, but it’s neither the only purpose nor the most important. When

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