Jeffrey L. Buller, PhD

innovation in higher education

Can Innovation Be Taught?

As budgets tighten at colleges and universities, academic leaders are repeatedly urged to be more entrepreneurial in their approaches. “It’s time to think outside the box,” we’re told. “Be creative.

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Assessing Leadership Needs

Creating a successful academic leadership program at a college or university requires first knowing what skills, practices, and attributes you need to develop in current and prospective leaders and then

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How to Hire an Administrative Assistant

Few other people are as integral to an academic leader’s success as the administrative assistant. A good administrative assistant can make your job, if not easy, then at least manageable.

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funding higher education

Mercenary U

Undoubtedly, the way in which higher education is funded has changed significantly in recent years. One study done by The Chronicle of Higher Education demonstrated a steady decrease from 1987

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innovation in higher education

Can Innovation Be Taught?

As budgets tighten at colleges and universities, academic leaders are repeatedly urged to be more entrepreneurial in their approaches. “It’s time to think outside the box,” we’re told. “Be creative.

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Getting Organized

Although academic leaders have looked to the promise of a “paperless office” for many years, that future vision never seems to materialize. While it’s true that many forms of communication

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Succession Planning for Academic Leaders

There are several reasons why every academic leader should have a succession plan. First, although it’s unpleasant to think about, we’re all mortal. If something terrible should happen and we

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Surviving a Leadership Transition

Leadership changes in the upper administration can be stressful for chairs and deans. We’ve all seen situations in which a new chancellor or president arrives, and between six months and

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Leadership in Higher Education 2024