Employing Yoga Principles to Support Flourishing at Mid-career: Strategies for Institutional Leaders

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An eminent threat to the United States’ workforce is the culture of burnout, productivity challenges, and mental and physical stress. Bourgeoning empirical investigation and strong anecdotal evidence affirms that academia is not exempt (Barreto et al., 2022; Benge et al., 2015; Deligkaris et al., 2014; Eriksson et al., 2018). While burnout is a topic of critical import in the academy and is felt by students, faculty, and staff alike, it is most notably associated with the mid-career years (Baker & Manning, 2020). Many mid-career faculty find it particularly challenging to manage their own burnout despite seeking to help others (e.g., early career colleagues, students) manage theirs. Yet, faculty have the potential to mentor others in how to avoid burnout, and in fact, mentorship at mid-career is one of the most important resources in all of academia (Lunsford & Baker, 2023).

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